Terms & Conditions


Thank you for your patronage we appreciate your business!! After your boat has been serviced, we will email you an invoice. If you have regularly scheduled maintenance service it is our standard practice to batch completed work onto a single invoice. Reducing and streamlining paper work. Once you receive your invoice please review it and contact us with any questions or concerns. This is a small business and prompt payments are greatly appreciated. 

•Personal check
•Online bill pay (check)
•ACH payment (electronic payment that works like a check) - ACH payment is done using a secured link that is an option on your emailed invoice
•In person

**ACH payment is our preferred method of payment and helps us to reconcile your account more quickly**

Paying your bill has never been easier. You can pay your invoice directly online with the ACH entry method. ACH utilizes your check routing number and account number entry to post the transaction, this is the standard information visible on the bottom of every check you write. Once you click "Pay Invoice" the link takes you to the secure server at Quick Books. At Quick Books there is a easy walk through while you enter information on their bank level encrypted and secured server. Still not sure about it?

To put you more at ease you should know that your information can not be accessed by anybody and recipients can only see the last 4 digits of your account number, for reference purposes.

Once again thank you for your patronage, we appreciate your business!

Sean Royce.


Sunrise Scuba - Underwater Hull Maintenance - Stamford, CT
Most of our customers are on a service schedule; ensuring that their boats are maintained properly and in good condition for current and future use. By using our service to clean and maintain your vessel’s underwater components you reduce fuel consumption, increase speed and help prevent the need and cost of hauling your boat. Let us help you prevent that potential down time and gain peace of mind - sign up today!

As a boat owner you are constantly faced with the upkeep needed to maintain your vessel. We are here to assist you with perhaps the most important part of your boat, the part that touches the water. By maintaining a clean boat bottom you are reducing the overall drag coefficient because we help to eliminate the marine growth on your boat bottom, allowing your boat to perform as it was designed to do! Sunrise Scuba is a company that specializes in helping you to maintain your boat bottom and all of its underwater components; we take pride in bringing the service to you and your vessel.

We have years and years of hands-on local experience serving Fairfield County and beyond.

We operate fulltime from May- October and have extended service throughout the year, upon request.

Our Mission

We are committed to outstanding client service that far exceeds the client’s expectations and to provide the best advice and the most knowledgeable staff in order to promote lasting client loyalty and trust.

Reason's to Call / Call Ahead of Time

Do you have a scheduled cruise or a scheduled race coming up? Let us know so we can do a pre-cruise inspection and get rid of those barnacles on your propeller, enabling you to get to your destination with alacrity and peace of mind. After all, there isn’t much worse than being ready to head out on your cruise and then have your engine overheat from barnacle encrusted running gear. Let us be sure to schedule service close to your travel date and reap the benefits of a thorough cleaning.

Maybe you have trouble getting your boat on a plane, or a bow thruster is malfunctioning, or perhaps your AC intake is blocked? Let us know so we can focus our attention and get the job done right!

Environmental Policy

Sunrise Scuba Diving Service is committed to be environmentally conscious and compliant with 2008 Clean Boating Act. All their divers have received instructional training on professional in water hull maintenance and comprehensive review on all aspect of the Action Guide for Boaters as per the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.

The diver must evaluate each vessel before any in-water maintenance is commenced.

For Vessels with Antifouling paint: The diver must evaluate condition and type of antifouling paint. There is a zero-discharge standard for tributyltin (TBT). The vessel must have no TBT coatings or have an effective overcoating that completely eliminates TBT discharges.

No cleaning of antifouling paint which release biocides in the first 90 days.

Gently clean hulls on a regular basis to minimize the need for stronger cleaners and more abrasive brushes.

When cleaning hulls with toxic antifouling paint while the vessel is in water, use only soft sponges. Cleaning must not cause a plume of paint. You must periodically examine the water during cleaning to assure that you are not causing a plume of paint to form. Stop immediately if any visible plume of paint appears in the water.

On vessels painted with ablative paint, clean only running gear and zinc anodes.

Always use the least abrasive material that will effectively clean the painted surface. Use soft sponges to clean marine growth. Use more rigorous cleaning pads only as needed to remove hard growth.

Do not clean the entire hull if it is not dirty, just clean waterline running gear and the Propellers.

Sunrise Scuba - Underwater Hull Maintenance - Stamford, CTNever sand, strip or chip hull paint underwater.

When replacing zinc anodes all old zincs are recovered including screws and recycled.

After initial cleaning, vessel owner will be notified of any environmental issues or concerns and recommendations for improvements on vessels impact on the environment.

Green Cleaning Process

Dear Customers and Fellow Boaters, There are strict guidelines that will have to be followed to have a completely Green Cleaning of your boat bottom in-water. They are in compliance with the Connecticut Clean Marina Program Best Management Practices. They are as follows:

Only soft scrubbing (sponge, rag or soft brush) of antifouling bottoms will be allowed, so as not to remove any paint.
Only organic growth will be allowed to be removed - slime, barnacles, flotsam & jetsam
No paint will be allowed to be removed. No "plume" of paint will be permissible. Specifically, no hard brushes, sand paper, or scrapers will be allowed to be used that may remove bottom paint.
All non-painted hardware will be cleaned to remove all growth including barnacles etc.
All thru-hulls will be cleaned and cleared.
Speedo and transducers are inspected and cleaned.
All zincs inspected and replace if needed or requested.
An evaluation of the condition of the paint and general condition of all underwater gear is preformed and any issues are reported to the owner.
Boot stripe is cleaned.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Have a great summer!

Bottom Paint

About your bottom paint 
Bottom paint is designed to not only protect your boat from blistering but also for anti-fouling protection, in other words to impede marine growth on your vessel. The newer the bottom paint is the more anti fouling properties it has, the older the paint the less antifouling properties it has. Many paints are labeled as multi seasonal paints, but we find this is often untrue. The location of Fairfield County in relation to Long Island Sound puts us in a high growth environment. A good indicator of the amount of growth we get in this area can be envisioned through the thriving local oyster industry. The undesirable growth on your boat is actually what the shellfish in the area thrive on!

Bottom paint myths
At the end of the boating season boats that are dry-hauled then power washed, covered and sit there until spring. After your boat is power-washed it might brighten up your boat bottom and make it look like new paint, this is far from the truth. I have read many labels that come on the Gallon containers of bottom paint and almost all of them acknowledge that leaving your boat out of the water for more that 30 days reduces the antifouling properties of the boat paint. This information is to help the consumer understand industry standards and set reasonable expectations. Older paint generally has less antifouling properties which allows marine growth to propagate more rapidly.

New paint, Old Paint, Racing Paint, Mystery Paint
New/newer paint cleans off nicely and you can expect to see a perfectly clean bottom after completion of our service. Older paint with little anti-fouling properties is much more difficult to clean and realistically will never have a “new car” shine without hauling and repainting. Some racing paints such as; VC Offshore and Balto Plate have little to no anti-fouling properties, but for some reason racers continue to use them, but since they attract so much growth I'm not sure why? It should be noted that over the past season/s we found that some paints are so environmentally friendly that they actually attract growth, if the advertisement for your bottom paint looks more like a shampoo advertisement - it's a good sign to stay clear and get something with a little more punch.